Verizon Authorized Retailer, TCC i Great Neck

Forenede StaterVerizon Authorized Retailer, TCC



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67, Middle Neck Road, 11021, Great Neck, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-466-9100
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7885411, Longitude: -73.7291864

kommentar 5

  • Ryan



    Amazing Service, honest customer care.

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    Adam Sloan


    Excellent service. David and his employees are the best in the business.

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    Paula Lev


    The staff there is absolutely amazing. Very friendly and they know their stuff. They set me up with a phone within 15 minutes with all my information transfered

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    Sara Kahan


    I returned today to this Verizon store to service my phone and once again was reminded why I travel all the way to Long Island for all of my phone-related needs. I cannot speak more highly about the customer service at this store! Customers are treated like family and each transaction is a pleasure. The owner is so honest, patient, and helpful, and will ensure that you are completely satisfied and secure with your purchase. I cannot imagine going anywhere else and getting comparable service. Thank you to the wonderful staff time and time again!

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    Brandon Benilevi


    A very well run store with management that went above and beyond to make sure I was satisfied with my iPhone's service and data! A++

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