Verizon Authorized Retailer/ RW Ramsey, NJ en Ramsey

Estados UnidosVerizon Authorized Retailer/ RW Ramsey, NJ



🕗 horarios

885, New Jersey 17, 07446, Ramsey, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 551-264-9210
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0636251, Longitude: -74.128004

comentarios 5

  • en

    Natalie Cinnella


    Adriana and Amaury were 2 of the most wonderful employees at this store! They genuinely care about what you are purchasing and how you are handling your account. It was a very nice experience being able to feel comfortable in what I was purchasing as well as how my account and charges are looking. Definitely a 5 star place with 5 star people!

  • en

    Randi Katz


    Amaury was so wonderful in helping me with my new phone. I was not going for a new phone because I didn’t want to deal with the hassle but he made it so easy and so pleasurable. You have an exceptional associate working for you.

  • Darlene Kakolewski

    Darlene Kakolewski


    Friendly fast service. Elvin was so informative and made sure we were happy and satisfied before leaving. Great customer service too. Will definitely be coming back to this location again for our future needs.

  • en

    Jai Sue


    Adriana Aldin gave me superb customer service. My issues were very complicated due to my business. She gave me personal service for over 2 hours. Thank you for your professionalism.

  • en

    Melba O'Neill


    All of the staff at this location in Ramsey have gone above and beyond to make the selection of my upgrade to be an easy transition. Namely Amaury then Pablo. They made me feel totally welcome and extended the invitation to come back at any time for any assistance or question. Their knowledge of all products and their function is amazing. I am a very satisfied customer.

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