Ventanas Bar & Grill w Sunland Park

Stany ZjednoczoneVentanas Bar & Grill



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1200, Futurity Drive, 88063, Sunland Park, Doña Ana County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 575-874-5200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 31.8051342, Longitude: -106.5598384

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lupe Calvo


    I've been there for just regular buffet and the all you can eat seafood. VERY DISSAPOINTED!! VERY BAD FOOD..NOT TO MENTION THE SEAFOOD BUFFET SHRIMP AND A FEW CRABLEGS?!! VERY BAD SERVICE .... NEVER AGAIN!

  • Tina C.

    Tina C.


    Food itself is okay, the worst part is the wait time for everything. A long time to get seated, there was no line, it was half empty. Wait a long time to see our server, there were only two working the entire restaurant. Our server was also the bartender so he was managing more than he can handle. A few parties left because they couldn’t handle the wait time either. Probably wouldn’t come back.

  • en

    JoEllen Duran


    My husband I would frequently eat here and had been for several years. My daughter took me for mothers day 2years ago, and I was embarrassed, that she had to pay for that meal! My husband and I went back the beginning of this year, I had a hamburger and the meat tasted like pressed dog food! I had their burgers before but this wasn't what I had before. Today we thought we would go and see if anything had changed! Sad to say it did, for the worse! The menu is different, you can no longer sit in the dining room, another reason we liked going, we had to eat in the bar! I had enchiladas, my husband had chicken flautas. First, the "chips" they brought weren't chips but fried corn tortillas, whole, with some kind of seasoning salt on them. The enchiladas were horrible! That sauce was nasty! Beans nasty! I traded plates with my husband, the chicken in the flautas was horrible! I kept telling my husband, we should have gone to taco cabana! Save your money! We won't be going back again before we read the reviews!

  • Erika Castano

    Erika Castano


    Friday's seafood buffet is very good. Unlimited crab legs and delicious seafood dishes for a good price. Dessert selection is very limited, they can definitely improve on that.

  • aaron salguero

    aaron salguero


    Very good food and even better service only issue I had and its only because of breathing issues. The entry to the place is also an entrance to the casino and its extra Smokey, very bad.

najbliższy Bar

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