Vehicle Pre Buy Inspection Service w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneVehicle Pre Buy Inspection Service



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1725, Canyon Ridge Street, 76131, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-881-8330
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.86441, Longitude: -97.339194

komentarze 5

  • Myranda McAnelly

    Myranda McAnelly


    Very helpful. Quick responses, pleasant transactions, and very fair pricing/thorough inspections. A MUST for buying any car.

  • gerf gerf

    gerf gerf


    As an out if state buyer, this was a must. I received a picture of every imperfection along with a DTC code printout. Basically the only thing I didn't get was a video of him driving it. Awesome job, his work was the deciding factor.

  • en

    David Carr


    Pleased with the service. Not a ton of photos, but then again I already have them. I had a follow up to the inspection, and they were prompt in their reply. I would suggest using them in the Dallas area.

  • en

    Larry N


    Money well spent. I was considering buying a travel trailer, but decided not too after the inspection because of the problems found. Tim was great to work with. He spent about 3 hours going through the trailer looking at all equipment. I would never think of buying a used rv or car in the future without using Tim for an inspection.

  • IntensityStudio



    I never write reviews but Tim blew the inspection out of the park for my cargo van, he was extremely prompt on a short turn around from order to meeting me at the van (1.5 hours) and stayed there for as long as needed, answered all my questions and was very knowledgeable overall. He's also very funny and maybe the whole process far more enjoyable. The price is an absolute steal ($129) for what you get and having the ability to 1 on 1 with him as he looked around the car and test drove it is just something you can't get going to a shop. Overall there's a reason he's highly rated and I can't see going anywhere else for the next car purchase.

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