VeggiEAT Xpress w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneVeggiEAT Xpress



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3768, South Maryland Parkway, 89119, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-836-1945
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1207979, Longitude: -115.1356925

komentarze 5

  • en

    Oak Ghost450


    When only Asian vegan will satisfy this is what works recommend eggplant/tofu dish SPICY. : )

  • ImGoingToDieAlone ButThatsHipNowadays

    ImGoingToDieAlone ButThatsHipNowadays


    Delicious food, many options. Fantastic, professional service. Come here at least twice a month.

  • Meondra Creer

    Meondra Creer


    The portions were small. The location is in a grocery store. Only two of the four items were kind of tasty. The price was expensive for four small items. ($30.00). When I asked for a refund before the food was prepared they said that they didn’t do refunds.

  • The Poetry Place

    The Poetry Place


    I'm so incredibly impressed, and literally grateful: which is that place right in between satisfied and full. I was reluctant about trying the fish sandwich...and it is a MUST. The flavors, textures, and spices came together like a symphony. (I kid you not) I was about 7 bites into the sandwich before I realized it had jalapenos: which were the perfect amount of non aggressive heat to really balance a flavor profile...and the many TEXTURES. Add one to your order people. You'll thank yourself later. The veggie fried rice...absolutely delicious. I'm not a food critic or being compensated for my opinion. I just really appreciate good art. Yes, this meal was ART. Keep it up VeggieEatXpress

  • Martin Mcconnell

    Martin Mcconnell


    Vegetarian / Vegan?? Of course. BBQ ribs sold out so tried bbq chicken with black bean sauce. Oh. My. Gosh! Incredible flavor! My wife only gave me one bite and now she’s going on and on. I had the combo fried rice and I’m in comfort food heaven! New menu with new additions and most of the favorites still there. The staff is so helpful and considerate of special requests and super honest. Need to put this on your favorite and saved lists if you go and on your want to try list if you haven’t gone. Must visit this new restaurant!!!!

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