Van Cleef & Arpels New York - Fifth Avenue w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneVan Cleef & Arpels New York - Fifth Avenue



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744, 5th Avenue, 10022, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-896-9284
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7632535, Longitude: -73.974034

komentarze 5

  • en

    Michael Kang


    Very shinning beautiful

  • Robin Soon

    Robin Soon


    I felt very inferior while I was in the store. Not a single SA greeted my girlfriend and myself. I have an item in mind that I was looking for, but I guess I must look rich to get any kind of attention in this place.

  • Jennifer Lo

    Jennifer Lo


    Prior to arriving, I already had in mind what I wanted to purchase and went in with the goal to make the piece my own. I stepped in, and there was a row of associates who stared me down before approaching me. I was a bit irritated because I didn't get service until I began to walk around for a few minutes. I asked to be shown to the Alhambra collection, and was quickly pointed upstairs. The SA followed me upstairs, and I told her what I wanted to see. Within less than a couple minutes of viewing the pieces, I told her I wanted to make a purchase. She seemed quite surprised probably because she thought I looked young and wasn't in to make a serious purchase. During the process of ringing up my order, I wasn't served a single beverage or plate of bites. Everyone else sitting at one of the tables were all served champagne and a plate of bites. I was appalled and taken aback at the service to me. When she counted the money I had given to her, she had an argument and exuded attitude with her fellow colleague, which was completely unprofessional. The SA had a snotty aura and acted like she was superior. If she really were, then why was she serving me?! I left with such a bitter taste in my mouth. When I was leaving, another worker offered me a chocolate truffle, which was better than nothing after dropping a few thousand dollars at the store. After thinking it threw, the behavior of the SA and other SAs in the store really pissed me off. I'm on my way to return that piece!

  • en

    Huiling Qiao


    Bad service, disappointing experience. Our appointment is 12pm but the sales kept us waiting at least 15 mins. And the service after appt is also not diligent.

  • John Shearer

    John Shearer


    Perfect service, perfect quality. There is a reason VCA is the best.

najbliższy Jubiler

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