Valvoline Express Care i Burleson

Forenede StaterValvoline Express Care



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1472, East Renfro Street, 76028, Burleson, Johnson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-426-5566
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.5347866, Longitude: -97.2862145

kommentar 5

  • en

    Irina Tarankov


    Don't ever go here for a state inspection unless you don't mind failing over stuff like your horn not being loud enough or The top of the front windshield tint is too much but will pass if you just take an inch of it off or all of it.

  • en

    paul cogdell


    I wish I knew what the service was like. I waited over 45 minutes for a team of two to do one oil change. As I was leaving, the guy smerked at me. "We're open on Monday."

  • Stephanie Onderdonk

    Stephanie Onderdonk


    It was fantastic. They were able to replace my starter quickly and for a reasonable amount. Would definitely bring any vehicle here first to be fixed.

  • en

    Joe Elliott


    Great service at competitive prices.

  • Brad Montgomery

    Brad Montgomery


    I am the General Manager of Bennett Lube And Auto Center, and I would really like thank everyone for the awesome reviews. We really try hard to take care of everyone and their vehicles and it's great to know hard work pays off, Again Thank You All So Very Much

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