US Social Security Administration en New York

Estados UnidosUS Social Security Administration



🕗 horarios

3386, Fulton Street, 11208, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 800-772-1213
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6839776, Longitude: -73.8706074

comentarios 5

  • en

    Amandeep Kaur


    Worst place to have an appointment for. The first lady I saw she was rude. Why because I asked her question she didnt know the answer to. Then waited for more than 4 hours. The reason for the wait because they only have 5 people working in the back. Out of 17 counters they have only 5 counters working to meet the needs of people. Never coming back tot his place.

  • es

    Charibel Asuncion


    Muy mal trato el personal te habla mal 😡 ... el único que tiene buen trato es el seguridad

  • en

    Raina Peterson


    Very slow, I was there before it opened and did not get to talk with anybody till after 3pm

  • en

    Shavell Mazyck


    They don’t do replacement cards there only old benefits they want you to go all the way downtown Brooklyn how freaking convenient is that when you have one right in walking distance of your zip code area this sucks big time!!!!!!!

  • Vanessa Rubiano

    Vanessa Rubiano


    i never get my phone interviews on time .. and then get told i am being incompliant. but when you call the number on the paper given no one ever answers!! called back to back non stop for days now. and left multiple messages ..horrible attentiveness

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