Urban Health Plan w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneUrban Health Plan


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1967, Turnbull Avenue, 10473, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-748-6112
strona internetowej: www.urbanhealthplan.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8235734, Longitude: -73.8566337

komentarze 5

  • Natasha M Jordan

    Natasha M Jordan


    For many years I remained loyal to the "hospital" health care atmosphere, until I discovered Urban Health (D/B/A: PENINSULA Community Health Center). It surpasses my idea of how a clinic should perform. The reception area staff is courteous, professional and amicable. The medical staff is supportive, skillful, knowledgeable and respectful. To my belief, the most comprehensive clinic, I've received health care from. Not only for me, but my daughter as well. The clinic is always clean, and bright. The comfy chairs and water dispenser are wonderful. Convenient appointments and walk-in clinic services are offered. Prompt service, not the "forever" waiting period you often endure at hospitals or other clinics. Most insurances welcome, call ahead and inquire. This clinic is located in the Bruckner Plaza, close to White Plains Road, and near bus transportation, Bx5, Bx36, Bx39. Highly recommend.




    I like that they are prompt and attentive. I've never waited more than 30 mins to see my doctor. Anytime I needed medical labs or documents, I've gotten my paperwork in a timely fashion.

  • sweet pea

    sweet pea


    It should be no stars because that doctor office discriminate against children who have delays. I wouldn't send my dog there no doctor office should discriminate against anyone especially a special needs child

  • Laquever Fryar

    Laquever Fryar


    The staff is so so but I gave it five stars because of Dr Rafiq she's the best doctor I have yet had my child see...let me give you a story story ...in 2015 my daughter had a very bad sore throat so I took her to this clinic for the first time where dr rafiq examed her and said she had strep throats but that wasn't it she ran her vitals and discovered my daughters sugar was 300 and sent my daughter to the best Bronx hospital in the Bronx for children...she saved my babies life because every other clinic I took her too would've never found that out I didn't even know my daughter was diabetic...it was dr rafiq who discovered it...until this day my daughter goes to her and she is simply wonderful ...so if dr rafiq you see this review I know I told u how thankful I am before well I'm saying it again thank u for your serve ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • lady Ivy

    lady Ivy


    Polite, organized, clean, and friendly. Quick to attend you, and best part plenty of parking. I do go to southern Blvd also but it's hard for parking. I would have liked if here you could attend to prenatal care also, it's only in Southern blvd.

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