Uptown Bourbon w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneUptown Bourbon



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3631, Broadway, 10031, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 646-918-6627
strona internetowej: facebook.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8294402, Longitude: -73.9486174

komentarze 5

  • Joseph Stanley

    Joseph Stanley


    Great spot for a drink and a shot. A great addition to the neighborhood. Check out the happy hour selection. If you like shots of whiskey and midiocre beer then this is the place! Great regulars that make you feel at home.

  • Ndeye Anta Niang

    Ndeye Anta Niang


    I visited again and watch rock n roll magic potion making behind the bar. The bartender Victor sang to a rnr classic playing on the turn table and mixed bourbon with bitters and in a very meticulous way ( seemed like a scene if a movie called Alchemist lol) while singing and cheering to the song. This drink was being made for the sheriff visiting from out of town. We were in the classic bourbon scenery for a mn. Off course I enjoyed seeing this and got a kick out of the random even. That's the type of things happening all around.

  • Mikey Tavarez

    Mikey Tavarez


    my wife insisted we go there and have a few drinks. i kept reminding her i don't drink liquor, just beer. So we went anyways because, hey she wears the pants in the family. Anyways it's okay if you like small dives. Here you have to sit pretty close to strangers and make eye contact since the place is so small. i just want to have my drink in the back and not talk. But you can't do that here. If you like making small talk with strangers then you'll love the place. I just want to mind my own business and drink my beer...is that too much to ask? the Beer selection was okay too..




    Bourbon Street in Harlem NY. Tiny place with a lots of souls. Turn table old rare records and classics playing and if you happened to not know the records name it's displayed for you to learn. Old school style. In gendrefied Hamilton heights. Progress that embrace the old and the new happening right here. Bourbon, whiskey, rye, gin, m. mules and everything that makes great strong cocktail classics's here.

  • Leo Hidalgo

    Leo Hidalgo


    Excellent cocktail bar in Hamilton Heights. The bartenders really know hoe to make an amazing drink. If you're looking for something specific or off menu, they'll happily help you out. Have brought multiple friends to this place and have enjoyed every time. They also have some cheese or meat plates if you're feeling peckish.

najbliższy Bar

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