Universal masonry corp i New York

Forenede StaterUniversal masonry corp



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242, Wellbrook Avenue, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-477-0453
internet side: universalmasonryny.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.599538, Longitude: -74.130232

kommentar 3

  • en

    Steve M


    Called Tony for an estimate he came the next morning for some pavers and concrete work that we had to get done. We got other estimates from others which were cheaper but I guess the cheaper isn’t always the best sometimes you have to hear the scope of the job. Tony was very professional explained to me and my wife the right way to level our yard out and what he was going to do gave us a price must say wasn’t cheap but the way he spoke and explained everything made us very comfortable he said about week and half to complete the project and he was right on point just that we had couple days of bad rain. His crew is amazing very professional always on time clean up before they leave I must say I’ll definitely use tony and his masonry services on next up coming up project and definitely will recommended to friends and family. Thank you Steve M.

  • Amy Hebert

    Amy Hebert


    So happy with the job Tony and his crew did for us. We had a DOT violation and also wanted other concrete work done on our front porch. Tony is professional and always responsive. Got quotes from 3 different companies, and although Universal Masonary was not the least expensive, I felt the most confident in their ability upon meeting Tony. I knew we would get a quality job and well done. Highly recommend!!

  • en

    Mike Smith


    Had Tony come and give me an estimate for my backyard to be done with pavers and if the house be done with stone and new steps. Gave me a fair price explained everything what I️ wanted to hear on top they did amazing job just the way me and my wife expected it. Universal masonry did amazing job I’ll use them again very clean and professional. Thank you Tony man of your word.

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