United Motor Collision i Paterson

Forenede StaterUnited Motor Collision



🕗 åbningstider

862, East 26th Street, 07513, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-357-9999
internet side: www.unitedmotorcollision.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.9090399, Longitude: -74.1504827

kommentar 5

  • en

    Robert DelPrete


    I have taken several of my vehicles here for repairs. There quality of work is the finest I have seen. The end result has always been better then my expectations. And the guys in the office are always helpful.

  • Kosta G

    Kosta G


    As always, Andrew and His team went above and beyond. Fixed my bad headlight and found the problem with my exhaust! Always satisfied when I bring my cars here!

  • en

    Gary Hanson


    They are definitely the best auto body shop in Paterson. They came in under budget and had it done right on time. I couldn't ask for better service!

  • en

    Michael Saltman


    Andrew and his guys did an awesome job on my truck. The bed was crunched from an accident and they made it look like it never happened. They are definitely professionals at auto body and collision damage. Thanks again guys!

  • LPS Samantha

    LPS Samantha


    This is the best auto body shop in Paterson. They gave a fair estimate and got the job done earlier that expected and looks great! Thanks Andrew!

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