Union Furniture in New York

Vereinigte StaatenUnion Furniture



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29-40, Union Street, 11354, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-939-8989
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7712282, Longitude: -73.82678

kommentare 3

  • en

    Rafy Lixandru


    The owner was extremely rude. Just bought a new house and was looking for furniture. I was on my way somewhere else but saw the store and I thought I would stop by to see what they got. Looked a little around the store and upon seeing the prices for the furniture, decided it was not for me and wanted to leave. Then the guy locked the front door and told me to get out through the back .....in a very rude manner, screaming like 3 time. I got scared ....it was my 1st time seeing him and you never know what type of ppl you encounter in nyc.....but gee...never imagined. I guess if you look around and don't buy he gets angry..... Do yourself a favor and avoid this store. The furniture is extremely overpriced also. Many other furniture stores are very eager to see new clients and much more welcoming whether you buy or not. But always act nice, you never know who might come back and buy. And then there's word of mouth that goes around very fast nowadays. Huh....you didnt think of that rude guy, did you now? I'll make sure to tell everyone. I guess enough of a punishment is to live with your angry self! Enjoy!

  • en

    young lee


  • So young Kim

    So young Kim


nächste Möbelgeschäft

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