Union Dental - Donald Pasquariello DMD w Paterson

Stany ZjednoczoneUnion Dental - Donald Pasquariello DMD



🕗 godziny otwarcia

55, Union Avenue, 07502, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-942-2423
strona internetowej: www.dentalcarepaterson.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.912985, Longitude: -74.198204

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tamara Nikolas


    Dr. Don and his staff are the best! Very friendly. I had a traumatic experience as a child elsewhere and have had a phobia of dentists ever since. I have always had pleasant experiences here. I highly recommend Union Dental.

  • Wilnelia Medina

    Wilnelia Medina


    I've been going to them for 14 years now. I love the staff and the doctor. My kids are comfortable going to them, not afraid. They are very caring. I feel part of the family

  • en

    Mary Conklin


    Dr. Don is caring and thoughtful. He helps me with my fears of coming to the dentist. He has an extremely nice staff. You don't always find this kind of care!!!!!!

  • Michael House

    Michael House


    Every time I have been to Union Dental has been a very positive experience which is something I can't say about any other dental office. The atmosphere is friendly, professional, and clean. All the staff is very knowledgeable and accommodating and truly care about their patients. I have nothing but good things to say about everyone there. Thank you!

  • en

    Gary Frank


    Donald Pasquariello is nicest and most compassionate dentist I ever met. I have a dentist phobia where I totally panic have panic attack and really bad time for me but he made it such a easy experience that I only go to him. Never been taken care of like he's taken care of me by a dentist recommend him for all you're dental services never find better dentist. Hope this helps you wth you're descision on what dentist to use👍🏼💯😁

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