Uneeda Burger en Seattle

Estados UnidosUneeda Burger



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4302, Fremont Avenue North, 98103, Seattle, King County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 206-547-2600
sitio web: www.uneedaburger.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 47.6595221, Longitude: -122.3497501

comentarios 5

  • Sean Williams

    Sean Williams


    Top notch service! Good local beer choices. Lamb burger was a great variation on the typical fare. Be aware they are big on recycling and composting. You self bus your table and will have to pay attention to the bins. All in all a good family experience. They handled the gluten free issues of part of our party flawlessly.

  • Kraig Hughes

    Kraig Hughes


    Cool spot to grab a bite in a residential area. The burgers are really good, the fries are great, but my favorite is the chicken sandwich with red hot and blue cheese sauce. We didn't try dessert, but they look really good!

  • Jackie Giusti

    Jackie Giusti


    Mediocre burger. Juicy. Not bad. No frills, very packed. Pretty small burger for the classics. Fries normal, good, nothing exceptional. When they're busy don't expect anything but left out for a while fries..

  • Breanna Wickberg

    Breanna Wickberg


    Food was amazing! 9 bucks for a burger though with cost extra for fries was a bit much for me. The seating wasn't ideal. They were busy. But it's expected because how good it was. I'll be Back!

  • Sarah Nau

    Sarah Nau


    Great burgers, great shakes, great beer. Family friendly, too,and an awesome patio for warmer weather Al fresco dining. No table service (you order at the counter and they bring you your food when it's ready) but pay that no mind. It's still one of the best burgers in Seattle.

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