Ultimate Champions Taekwondo Freeport i Freeport

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54, West Merrick Road, 11520, Freeport, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-442-7500
internet side: www.championstkd.com
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Latitude: 40.6540653, Longitude: -73.5825222

kommentar 5

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    CLAUDIA Theodoropoulos


    It's a wonderful way to keep them active and learn to have self confidence.My daughter LOVES going there and never has enough . Teaches them a lot!

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    Sandra Barrera


    My two boys started at age of 3 and 5. Great place and the instructor is awesome. I highly recommend this taekwondo school

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    Allison Seeley


    Since starting classes at Freeport Champions Taekwondo, my child’s self esteem and confidence has increased tenfold. The change is amazing. We are so thankful for Master Chun and his teachings.

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    Kierstan Tucker


    My son started a year in Taekwondo at a school in another state. When we moved and found this school we were so excited. Master Chun and his staff made the transition very easy and pleasant for both of us. My son has learned so much and made so many great friends here. Very happy to be a part of Ultimate Champions Taekwondo Freeport!

  • Marietta Cleckley

    Marietta Cleckley


    I am the grandmother of one of the students here who is now 6. Master Chun is EXCELLENT with the kids and very patient and courteous with parents. All the instructors are and are always on point. They offer incentives (stickers, stars, etc) to keep the kids engaged. But I like that stickers are earned and not just handed out because they up for class. Kids are encouraged to try and do their best in a fun and safe environment. Very professional place also. All classes start and end on time! Whether there is one kid or 10 in a class they get a full class. We have been here for almost a year and will continue.

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