Ulta Beauty w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneUlta Beauty



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3000, South Hulen Street, 76109, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-292-9575
strona internetowej: www.ulta.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7065243, Longitude: -97.3898035

komentarze 5

  • Angela Kay Seybert Wynne

    Angela Kay Seybert Wynne


    I love this place. Sometimes on Saturdays you can get a free makeover. It products was there and I got a free makeover. Plus a free it cosmetic bag, free tote, and free mascara. They are very friendly there. They have everything you need for your makeup needs, moisturizer for your face, face wash, and any makeup brushes you need. There is just to much to list on here. It's a must go!

  • en

    Kristen Patterson


    Blessed be the day I found Gloria in hair department. Always great color and cut.

  • FzL M

    FzL M


    Store Selection is fine, store is clean and well organized, but the customer service is awful. I spoke with 2 young ladies while there, the first one seemed new and attempted to be helpful by asking a senior employee about the product I was looking for and that senior employee was horribly rude and dismissive, refused to assist me whatsoever and proceeded to ignore me. I really hope the new girl doesn't take her training from that ... awful. And almost walked right into me as I was leaving, although she saw me walking out and decided to dang near run me down then sneer at me and roll her eyes as she kept walking without an apology. I will not ever be back to this location and I hope the Upper Management will get their employees properly trained or removed and replaced with some that are!!

  • en

    Tiffany Cates


    I was in this store for about 30 min and not one person greeted me or asked if I needed help with anything. When you ask anyone a question that act bothered, and answer quickly. Horrible customer service...

  • en

    Erica Dodson


    Employees are very rude, at least the one I encountered. You ask a question and they answer you like you’re the biggest bother. Learn better customer service or just be kind to your customers at least!

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