uBreakiFix w Tempe

Stany ZjednoczoneuBreakiFix



🕗 godziny otwarcia

699, South Mill Avenue, 85281, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-967-2168
strona internetowej: www.ubreakifix.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.423588, Longitude: -111.939732

komentarze 5

  • en

    Saba Shura


    Super fast! Super Cheap! Great Staff! Recommend ubreakifix location in Tempe on Mill Ave!!

  • Dominique Bush

    Dominique Bush


    I have been to uBreakiFix for multiple phones and a laptop.. Service has always been excellent and reliable! And turn around times on repairs are quick.

  • Bob Downs

    Bob Downs


    Because I bought an extended warranty from Verizon for my iPhone, I only paid a $30 deductible to replace my cracked screen. It took them about an hour to complete the repair. The only downside, though, is that they required me to give them my passcode. Fortunately, most everything else on my phone is also password-protected with different passwords and 2FA. But, still... Now I feel like I have to change my passcode. 🤔

  • en

    Michael Tuuk


    Justin provided excellent customer service and ensured my device was taken care of. Thanks Justin and to the rest of The iBreakUfix team you guys are awesome.

  • adam gangl

    adam gangl


    Nice enough people but they said my phone would be finished in 2 hours. I came back 2 hours later and they said it was not completed. Returned 30 minutes later and told it would be 20 minutes. Returned 30 minutes later and it was completed but the price was a ridiculous 165$ for a replaced screen. Paid the insane fee and got 10 steps out of the building before realizing the screen had several dead spots. Went back in pissed and he said he would it a new screen on. When I got hat screen it appeared to work and I left. 3 hours later I realize this screen has dead spots too. Can’t scroll. It just highlights the text. I live in St. Louis so I have no recourse. Also my warranty was voided by them opening the phone. Cannot recommend

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