U N Acupuncture Center en New York

Estados UnidosU N Acupuncture Center


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307, East 44th Street, 10017, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 212-661-0186
sitio web: www.drtnchan.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.750989, Longitude: -73.970342

comentarios 2

  • en

    Maha Khan


    Absolutely terrible 'doctor'. He has zero bedside manner and minus zero empathy. Plus he won't discuss anything with you. I needed clarification of his treatment on me and without thought of patient-doctor confidentiality, he announced an incorrect diagnosis in his waiting room so everyone could hear! Do NOT waste your money on him. The treatment did nothing for me. I switched to another acupuncturist!

  • Angel G.

    Angel G.


    When there is a crisis in western medicine due to a lack of being able to treat well and cure extremely severe conditions, Dr. T.N. Chan comes like a blessing and a promise. He is not only an ordinary acupuncturist, his vocation to serve in such capacity has endowed him to also express note-worthy teaching ability, establishing himself as an authority in this field. A mere simple visit to his office shall be sufficien to show what we mean. His way of placing the needles is very good, and where there is no problem or discomfort due to this. We are privileged having him in the area and recommend him.

Salud más cercano

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