Two O Twelve Spa Nails en Pawling

Estados UnidosTwo O Twelve Spa Nails



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145, New York 22, 12564, Pawling, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-855-1888
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.5359054, Longitude: -73.5858803

comentarios 5

  • Kassie Rodden

    Kassie Rodden


    This is my first time going to a salon in this area. I googled and chose this place based on reviews. I will never go back. There was ZERO customer service. No one was smiling or engaging. I got a TWO MINUTE (literally) “manicure” from the female owner. She only took off my clear polish and quickly cut my cuticles. I routinely get the gel polish and it lasts at least two weeks. My gel polish is chipping off after 4 days. Also, their kids were running around. I was drying my toes and the workers kids were literally jumping on me and hanging from the chairs. The other customers were uncomfortable as well. It wasn’t a relaxing or inviting atmosphere to say the least and I will absolutely not be returning.

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    Wendy Crew


    Wing, who is the owner is the best! Great service! Best nail place in around.

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    Stephanie DiStabile


    This place is by far the best nail salon. They're clean...friendly...and they do a fantastic job. I'm so picky when it comes to my nails...but I always leave there happy

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    angelita pulliam


    Wing and his wife are awesome. Always great service and very friendly.

  • ana est

    ana est


    Nice people, good job, highly recommended

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