Twirls Frozen Yogurt en Tucson

Estados UnidosTwirls Frozen Yogurt



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3587, East Broadway Boulevard, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US USA
contactos teléfono: +1 520-325-3155
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.2219853, Longitude: -110.9163973

comentarios 5

  • Ryan Echols

    Ryan Echols


    Best tasting frozen yogurt with great staff and great atmosphere.

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    Lucia Alcaraz


    I've been here twice now and haven't had a bad experience!!! We have a wide choice of ice cream flavors to choose from and my daughter can't get enough of all the sweet toppings she can get. She loves the different color of chairs. But now she loves sitting at one of the tables outside. Everytime I've gone it hasn't been busy, I did see that they have a sign saying punch cards are no longer accepted. Not sure what that's about bit in case anyone has them they aren't being accepted. Also their price is pretty reasonable! So far we have enjoyed every visit!

  • Clarissa Escamilla

    Clarissa Escamilla


    First time we went (few months ago) we thought this place was cute and great. This time, only half of the flavors worked, it looked a bit run down and the guy behind the counter didn't seem to believe that the flavor levers were broken. The family in front of us had little kids who were very upset they couldn't get the flavors they wanted.

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    Julie Heskin


    They did not want to honor their reward card even though it was from the same location, only difference was a slight name change. Poor customer service, quality has also gone downhill. Your better off going to the froyo place in the Park Mall.

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    Alexis Wallace


    This place usually has military discount which is why on my lunch break i go out off my way to go by this place. Today I literally just wanted a taste of the pumpkin flavor. I got a little and was charged full price. The girl said that I had to pay full price because it only would've cost 60 cents! Since when is there a cap on discounts? That's insane! I will be finding a new place, not returning and telling all my friends not to go there.

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