T.Webber Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electric w Cold Spring

Stany ZjednoczoneT.Webber Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electric



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3365, U.S. 9, 10516, Cold Spring, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-288-2777
strona internetowej: twebber.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.473132, Longitude: -73.916326

komentarze 5

  • dia thrush

    dia thrush


    Jimmy's G. Is the epitome of a gentleman. Friendly courteous respectful on time. Kept us up to date about the job and the cost. We are so grateful to have had a wonderful man a master of his craft repair what seemed like an impossible job.

  • en

    Paul Bowen


    The entire experience with the T Webber company was excellent. When they were running late I got a call so i was informed and able to reschedule. When Mario the technician arrived on-time the next day he was professional and friendly. He expertly diagnosed the issue and provided a solution in under two hours now our AC is working properly and we didn't have to pay for more service than we needed. I am switching all my cooling needs to T Webber and will sign up for yearly service with them.

  • en

    David Palmer


    Last week I had a leak in my shower and I called T. Webber Plumbing early in the evening. I explained I only have one shower and I needed it fixed as soon as possible. They understood my situation and much to my delight had someone there that night. They truly are a 24 hour service company. The plumber's name is Jimmy Gallagher. In my opinion Jimmy is a true professional and an excellent representative of his company. He made all the repairs needed, explained to me what he was doing and why. He made me feel very confident in the work he did and left his work area spotlessly clean! When he was completed with that job I mentioned to him my family and I were extremely unhappy with an existing problem in our home of a sulfur odor coming from our water. Jimmy inspected the situation and thoroughly explained to me how to alleviate that problem. I agreed to the work that needed to be done and Jimmy ordered the material needed to complete the job. Jimmy was not only prompt in his arrival to do the job but the material arrived on time as well! Jimmy came with his partner for the day by the name of John. Both were professional friendly and courteous did outstanding work and again left the work area spotless. These men did an excellent job, Jimmy explained to me what he was doing why it needed to be done and how these filters work. Because of their professionalism and outstanding work I would highly recommend your company to all my friends and family for their plumbing needs. Outstanding employees as these men is what makes for an excellent company. Thanks for such great service! Sincerely Dave and Kathy Palmer.

  • Natalie Wren

    Natalie Wren


    Van C. came by to replace a pipe, involving cutting into the wall, and he did an absolutely beautiful job. Very generous with his time and advice, and he was courteous and professional. T. Webber is a bit more expensive than other plumbers in the area, but they always do a stellar job. You will not be disappointed!

  • en

    John Casti


    This is a great business to take care of all your HVAC needs. They are fast, reliable and extremely knowledgeable in all areas mechanical. I have trust and confidence in their ability to maintain and keep my systems running at their best. I would recommend them without hesitation to anyone looking for a contractor that they can trust and depend on. Thanks guys!

najbliższy Hydraulik

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