Tub Klass LLC w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneTub Klass LLC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

56, Colfax, 07013, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-928-2033
strona internetowej: www.tubklass.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8656848, Longitude: -74.1528178

komentarze 5

  • Stone Clone

    Stone Clone


    These guys are awesome and they are very experienced in bathtub refinishing! Highly recommended!!

  • en

    Macho Macho


    Great place to get all of your reglazing needs.from exclusive paint to compressors and guns.ect. the owner and his staff are very helpful and courteous...if I can give them ten stars I would.keep up the great work and customer service.u guys are great!!

  • andrea casale

    andrea casale


    This was my first time using this company, and let me tell you I wish I had more tubs for them to refinish! I never thought that my tub could look this brand new again. The technician Edwin was very personable and professional. Not only did he perfect my bathtub but he took the time to educate me on how to maintain it. Same to Kris and the ladies in the office, they made choosing between the “bone” and “China” color my only challenge. I highly recommend anyone that wants their tub brought back to life, give them a call ASAP! Thank you Tub Klass!

  • en

    Sebastian Brevart


    These guys are top notch. Kris knows the industry backwards and forwards. He really takes the time to explain the process and only uses the best quality products. My technician Edwin was also extremely knowledgeable, clean, and professional. I would highly recommend their services to anyone who values clean, efficient, and trustworthy work. A+.

  • en

    Daniel Halperin


    Fast reliable no mess no fuss. 1 phone phone call and done. I own a 35 unit building and have used other refinishing companies in the past none of them came close to the service that I got from Kris and his crew. so far they have done 18 units and not one problem. Will be doing the rest as they turn over. I would highly recommend this company to anyone in need of this type of service... 10+ stars Thanks Again!!!

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