Trustco Bank i Katonah

Forenede StaterTrustco Bank



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18, Woods Bridge Road, 10536, Katonah, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-666-6230
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.2609628, Longitude: -73.6857802

kommentar 3

  • Samantha Prato

    Samantha Prato


    Best bank around! Extremely helpful and their customer service is above and beyond!

  • en

    John O'Mara


    14 days ago I spent over an hour to open a business checking account. At that time I was told that the bank would have to order bags for night deposits. I have deposited more than $10,000, which I am not able to access or pay bills. After several phone calls, text and emails (many of which were not anawered) the account was finally opened, but I was not approved for online banking for another two days and the overnight deposit bags still are not available. Customer service did not offer an explanation or anapology but told me I could go to the branch and get my money back. I regret that I did not do that.

  • Erikk's Hauling

    Erikk's Hauling


    They're the best bank. They make everything so easy and have the best customer service!!! They always keep an eye out for you and call if they see anything out of the ordinary going on with your accounts.

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