True Hair w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneTrue Hair



🕗 godziny otwarcia

166-32, Jamaica Avenue, 11432, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-291-5810
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7060953, Longitude: -73.7929076

komentarze 5

  • Kim Hanover

    Kim Hanover


    Got a good deal for you

  • Shaunie



    Went during the first Friday sale, I purchased 20,22,24 and I'm impressed!! This was my first time using this company and the hair is just beautiful and soft. I purchased Brazilian deep body wave and it's absolutely beautiful, no shedding or tangling. I will definitely purchase more hair in the future.

  • en

    keanna edwards


    I got 4 bundles (24,26,28,&30) , I know the longer the hair the lesser the bundle but i wouldn't expect for these bundles to be so thin. Another issue I have with the hair is that it SHEDS SO MUCH , even by slightly running my hands through it you would see a bunch of hair strands coming out into my hand. Also the fact that the hair tangles a little too much , THIS HAIR IS NOT GOOD AT ALL ❗❗

  • en



    I got my brazilian wave hair at the jamaica store. I love this hair, it took the color i wanted perfectly fine. I bleach the hair and dye it red. I also love the staff the girls know everything you ask then about the hair. You can take a look at the hair on my page #Red hair and makeup lovers. Than you soo much.

  • Latiyfa O'Neill

    Latiyfa O'Neill


    I read the reviews assuming this place would be nice I also passed by it a few times, so I purchased 3 Brazilian straight bundles it felt so nice in the store I was super excited plus it was my Birthday weekend long story short a week or 2 later the ends of the hair became very dull and it basically looks like regular packed hair I didn't even use any product. I'm convinced this hair isn't virgin hair AT ALL.. only had this hair in for a short time and it's already dull I was better off buying packed hair smh.. I'm so upset I waisted money on nothing but however the customer service was good I can give them that but I will not return back to this store

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