Troy Grant Golf w Long Beach

Stany ZjednoczoneTroy Grant Golf



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5001, Deukmejian Drive, 90804, Long Beach, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-401-4463
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 33.7803272, Longitude: -118.1354823

komentarze 5

  • en

    Andre Guardi


    Troy is great. Well communicated and specific instruction with an easy going and friendly attitude. Plus he genuinely loves golf.

  • Leyna Nguyen

    Leyna Nguyen


    I'm really looking forward to more lessons with Troy. I get invited to a lot of charity golf tournaments and have always looked the part but never really learned the sport. So I'm a total newbie, having only had one golf lesson before...I'm finally serious about learning the game. He was very accommodating with my busy schedule and in just ONE lesson, I saw and FELT improvement. He has a great sense of humor and was good in getting me to settle down and focus on what I was doing. I didn't at all feel intimidated. His instruction was easy to follow--he didn't just tell me what I should do, but WHY I should do it. (I like it when things makes sense.) Since I haven't played much, I don't think there's a lot for me to unlearn--so I'm lucky in that I'm starting out by learning things RIGHT. Thanks, Troy!

  • en

    Colleen Lum


    Troy is the most awesome golf instructor! He makes minor adjustments that result in major improvements. He doesn’t try to mold you into a robot. Everything about my game is improving because of his guidance.

  • en

    Max Herrera


    Troy has taught my three boys for the past few months and, in that time, I have seen incredible and positive changes in both their skill levels and in their attitudes. They LOVE their lessons with Coach Troy each week - - he encourages hard work, etiquette and discipline, but is also flexible and fun and really connects with each one and their unique personalities and skill sets. Not every professional golfer has what it takes to teach youth golf, but Troy most definitely does :).

  • en

    Aaron Castillo


    So, I stumbled across troy by luck. I was taking a clinic and he was the instructor, and he pointed some things out to me because I told him about my hip replacement. From that moment on, I knew that he was different! I learn something new all the time in my lessons, and he has really helped me polish my game. I have more confidence when playing more so than I did before. I highly recommend this guy. Aaron Castillo

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