Tropical Juice Bar w Passaic

Stany ZjednoczoneTropical Juice Bar



🕗 godziny otwarcia

198, Myrtle Avenue, 07055, Passaic, Passaic County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 973-928-3800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8670707, Longitude: -74.1342687

komentarze 5

  • Andres Tapia (atapiai.metals)

    Andres Tapia (atapiai.metals)


    Went to get my usual order, and the staff gave my order to the wrong person after I waited for a long time. After that there wasn't any more items ready to fulfill my order and was asked to wait for the to re do it. Unacceptable I'd give it zero stars if it was allowed.

  • Calypso



    Found a piece of plastic in my sandwich. Absolutely disgusting. Asked Uber Eats to investigate this restaurant but of course they refused. Honestly, this place is a dump.

  • Michelle R. Deleon

    Michelle R. Deleon


    I went there today. To get a green juice and a few empanadas. I have never gotten this stomach sick in my life and I’m in my 20’s. I vomited like never before. I had the worst stomach pain ever I thought I was dying or something Until I vomited hours later like crazy. Never coming here again. And no I don’t have a sensitive stomach. I always order and eat from here. Not eating outside ever again. Update: No I did not have a STOMACH BUG. You guys try to cover yourselves up and not take accountability. My friend who doesn’t even live there came into town. She too got food poisoning. We went to the ER and they said IT WAS FOOD POISONING AND all we ate that day was that. So don’t come at me trying to say it was a stomach bug. Believe what you guys want at this point. You lost a family of loyal customers.

  • Amish Bhavsar

    Amish Bhavsar


    Nice little corner juice ans snacks bar for a quick bite. The service is fast and prices are very reasonable. I wish they had more vegetarian and vegan options.

  • Peachy Revilleza

    Peachy Revilleza


    I ordered online through their website and I picked up inside. They had it ready before the expected time. I bought cheese, beef, and chicken empanadas. Also I ordered a mango smoothie. It’s a good place to go if you want a quick bite.

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