Trivedi Erick DDS in Amityville

Vereinigte StaatenTrivedi Erick DDS


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200, Albany Avenue, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 631-842-0300
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Latitude: 40.6884749, Longitude: -73.414203

kommentare 5

  • en

    Darlin Duran


    The receptionist was rude and locked the doors on me. I came there a few minutes late because my cab was not on time maybe i shouldve called ahead of time to let her know but she did not inform me i had to be punctual and it was my first time going there. All the doctors and dentists ive gone too in my years of living on this planet called Earth had taken me in, even if i am a few minutes late.I called to see if they can open the doors and she laughed at me and said i was too late and thats why appointments exist and she did not give me an option to reschedule my appointment knowing it was my first time visiting. Rude. Switched my dentist as soon as possible. I pray she goes to school and takes a class on how to properly speak to customers. The way you talk to customers reflects the business you work for.

  • en

    Juan S


    Best dentist in all long island. I've been with him for almost 7+ years. He is very kind hearted and really care about his patients. Let me not forget about the receptionist who also very kind and sweet. I couldn't sleep one night because the amount of pain I was in. I called the office at 3am left a voicemail and they called me as soon as they open to give me the first available.

  • en

    Nay Polanco


    Awesome Dentist. Did my cleaning and I hardly felt any discomfort, he didn't ask me to open my mouth as wide as an Alligator like some dentists do and I hardly felt the spinning machine. I just wished the front desk experience was a pleasant as the one on the Dentist chair. Girl was rude and had a nasty attitude over the phone. Also gave my insurance a hard time over the phone. Besides her, A+

  • en

    tamer gabriel


    Dr. Trivedi was very impressive in the way he managed my teeth difficulties. He was able to diagnose my pain (which other dentists couldn't figure out) and treated it promptly. I woke up the next day feeling great and able to go back to work. I realized root canals aren't all that bad...when done by him!

  • en

    Mark Katz


    My whole family has been going to Dr. Trivedi for several years, and he is great with adults and kids. Very accommodating with appointments and in working with our insurance company. Responsive to emergencies, Dr. Trivedi has seen us right away if needed. Very highly recommended!

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