Triune Healthcare w Massapequa

Stany ZjednoczoneTriune Healthcare



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690, Broadway, 11758, Massapequa, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-308-7540
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6912269, Longitude: -73.4652834

komentarze 5

  • Danielle Powers-Diaz

    Danielle Powers-Diaz


  • Wanda Narvaez

    Wanda Narvaez


    It's a small office, very personal and friendly

  • Eydie Hardamon

    Eydie Hardamon


    Excellent nutrition plan. I lost 40 pounds so far following the plan. It's an excellent life style change.

  • en

    lydia nails


    I am a happy client, I recommend this place to anyone if you follow protocol hcg diet you will loose that pound a day .

  • en

    Fran Markevitch


    Hi my name is Fran and I like to share my story with you and my experience at Triune healthcare recent years I started to gain a lot of weight, I had finally quit smoking and was going though menopause very badly I was not sleeping at night because of hot flashes I was miserable!!!!! everytime I got on the scale I had gained another pound or two my clothes were getting tighter and tighter I was always a very active person went to the gym went to pilates for years until a back injury ended all that for me but with the menopause and not smoking I just could not control my weight gain I tried other diets but just did not do it for me one day I was driving down Broadway and noticed Triune and I went in , made a appointment ....few days later I went and met with Jackie she was so kind and understanding she determined which diet she thought would be good for me .....Lifestyle.... and it has been amazing for me ever since ....they give you alkaline water to drink also the injections 2x a week which are B12 lipo fat burners ...and pills to control hunger ....todate I have lost 29 pounds I feel absolutely amazing!!!!!! The staff there are great. Dr. Yelling who is a doctor there always made time for me if I needed his assistance, Always Jackie who I can't thank enough for always giving me encouragement, recipes tips on things to do to promote my weight loss .....My counselor Faith always giving me encouragement and answering questions ......Jamie and Kerri for always being pleasant and helpful everyone there is just so great and the best part also is since I started this diet my menopause is next to none!!!! I sleep at night the whole night !!!! I just can't say enough about this place it has changed my life for the better. I love my new body and best part this is a life changing diet, this is something you can do to maintain your weight loss even after you leave . The reason I'm sharing my story with you is I went though hell with menopause and the weight gain if I can help someone going though this change there life this is the place again Thank You Triune and your great staff ......Fran

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