Tristate Express Auto Inc w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneTristate Express Auto Inc



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1890, McDonald Avenue, 11223, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-701-1688
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Latitude: 40.6064153, Longitude: -73.9729432

komentarze 2

  • K R

    K R


    I won’t say anything bad about this dealer but I will just recite the events that happened and you can decide for yourselves. I wanted a bigger car with more space but something that still had power. I settled on a g37 from here that looked fairly nice. I looked over it in person and test drove it and everything seemed okay. The only things I noticed were colour discrepancies throughout the body and slight dings which I was okay with and figured they just didn’t match the colour well enough when repainting pieces. After a bit I noticed they hadn’t signed the bill of sale. Shame on me. But then they gave me a run around not wanting to sign it for a month. It literally took me past the temporary registration expiration date to get them to sign a simple form. During this time problems with the car started showing up where I had to replace all the brakes and rotors since the rotors were warped and had to get rid of a lot of cheap mods added to the interior along with an alignment as well. I also eventually found out the bad paint job was actually a poorly put on wrap to cover the replacement bumper that wasn’t painted to match, and the horrible scraped up back bumper that wasn’t protected. I was initially told about the front bumper replacement but told it was only cosmetic damage so they replaced it. Another 500 dollars later I repainted the bumpers myself to match the actual grey colour of the car. A few months down the road I got a flat tire and went to change it. The tools not fitting wasn’t the big issue but the spare not even being the correct one for the car was the bigger deal. I had to drive on a flat back to my father’s house which was thankfully down the road. After waiting for a new tire and rim to come in I realized when replacing the tire that the frame doesn’t fit exactly in the scissor jack leading me to believe there was structural damage... I was shown a carfax but it’s not going to tell you about damage not reported obviously. I was told the owner really loved his car. Clearly we both have two different ideas of taking care of our cars. Definitely not worth what I traded for it. If I had wanted a project car I would’ve gotten something else. I have spent thousands trying to fix the condition this car was left in. I have only had this car a few months and will be trading it in for something new.

  • en

    Jon T


    I Purchased my Mercedes benz ML350 from here, these guys are great to work with, and have a good selection of vehicles to choose from, over all good experience with them no complaints will purchase from them again in the future.

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