Tribal Iron Choppers i Fair Lawn

Forenede StaterTribal Iron Choppers



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18-02, River Road, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-791-4647
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.9393321, Longitude: -74.1418904

kommentar 5

  • Pryce Mandel

    Pryce Mandel


    Amazing bikes. Wonderful friendly staff who a very friendly and welcoming. I felt very comfortable that thier work will be what i want and done professionally

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    Ephraim Yurowitz


    A custom motorcycle shop that deals with all makes and models. Very friendly. Took the time to speak to me and listened to my stupidity without losing it. Took the time to explain why what I wanted couldn't be done and than suggested the best way to move forward.

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    David Zenou


    Their work is very professional, and of highest quality. Highly recommend for anything motorcycle/car/metal fab related.

  • Jake schroeder

    Jake schroeder


    This place is awesome and has great service plus there honest. They've built some pretty crazy stuff and I think they will continue to do so for years to come. You should definitely check them out.

  • Craig Willis

    Craig Willis


    These guys are amazing! The stuff they do makes the other guys out there look like chumps. Orange county choppers has nothing on them. Eric is a true artist and can probably make anything you can dream up. Tom is one of those guys that's been doing it so long he probably built his first carburator in grade school... really excellent!!!

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