Tri State Stone Inc. w Newark

Stany ZjednoczoneTri State Stone Inc.



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111, Rome Street, 07105, Newark, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-344-7220
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.724385, Longitude: -74.144523

komentarze 5

  • en

    Armando Pedreira


    Had them install granite top 2 years ago and recently started to crack. Called them to come check it out but got the runaround. Absolutely terrible customer service. Will never recommend them to anyone. Absolutely pathetic the way I got treated

  • en

    virginia miller


    The best place to get your granite -- awesome selection, outstanding services, and great prices. I purchased granite from TriStone for my main house and vacation. Great experience all the way around. I would highly recommend then to anyone.

  • Marcelo Souza

    Marcelo Souza


    Moro no Brasil e trabalho nesse ramo à mais de 10 anos, mármores e granitos faço tudo desde pias, mesas, lavatórios, etc... se precisar de alguém responsável e profissional para trabalhar aí conte comigo

  • en



    Well everything started pretty well, and went fairly well, up until the end. Admittedly the counter looks great, but they damaged one of my new drawer fronts when installing the counter. I now have a fairly large scratch on a drawer face in my brand new kitchen. When I pointed out that the drawer wasn’t damaged before the counter installation, and asked to be reimbursed $39 for a new one, I was told (direct quote from email) “SORRY MY GUYS ARE SAYING THEY DIND THAT.” Really? Your employees didn’t tell you they screwed up? But ok, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they didn’t notice. And maybe it’s my fault for not looking for damage prior to cutting a check for the remainder of the work, but refusing to reimburse a customer $39 for damages seems like pretty lousy way to end this transaction, especially in world full of online reviews. If you do decide to go with tri-state I’d advise you to make a close inspection for any potential damages prior to completing payment. If damage they caused is discovered after the fact you’re just out of luck. Even if it’s only $39.

  • en

    Paulyn Holandez


    Really outstanding customer service from both the owner and sales manager. They stand behind their work. Very patient with me throughout the process. I must have changed my mind 4-5 times but their aim was to make sure the customer was happy. Highly recommend them! Very happy with my new quartz countertop.

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