Tressa & Co i Fort Worth

Forenede StaterTressa & Co



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3907, Telephone Road, 76135, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-237-9399
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Latitude: 32.8139707, Longitude: -97.4337202

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kirstie Kruse Moore


    Cherae always gives me a perfect haircut!

  • Richard Allen

    Richard Allen


    Very nice people and does the job right

  • en

    Carol Johnson


    I get complainants all the time on my hair color. I've been going to Tressa's for years love them.

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    Tressa Mathis


    I'm Tressa ,Owner/Stylist at Tressa & co.Hair Salon.I fell in love with the beauty industry years ago.At a very young age I began with my 6 sister and 1 brother.I'm the baby of 8 children.Whether it was doing a makeover on them or just a manicure.I always loved the finished results.So I began Cosmetology school at the age of 19.I've enjoyed being in the industry ever since.My passion is Color and Cutting and Color Correction.I've worked with some amazing Stylist and still do.We look forward to meeting all your beauty needs.And answer any questions you may have about your hair.Have a Blessed Day!!

  • en

    Courtney Carter


    I walked in on a Saturday. Everyone looked up at me and looked away without a word of greeting, so I sat down to wait. Fifteen minutes later someone finally decided to tell me that they primarily work on appoinments and the earliest they could see me was Tuesday. Wouldn't have minded making an appointment but waiting 15 min for anyone to even speak to me is ridiculous.

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