Trendy Nails Spa en New York

Estados UnidosTrendy Nails Spa



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2319, Richmond Avenue, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-983-5768
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5911535, Longitude: -74.1639871

comentarios 5

  • Francesca & Alison Zeno

    Francesca & Alison Zeno


    Yesterday I went to this nail salon twice. They did my toes amazing ! I went back after work to get my nails done. The wait was horrible ! And she charged me $50 for my tips and they look so ugly. I asked for coffin shaped nails and they don’t even look right. Than she cut one of my nails so short and puts another acrylic nail on top of the other one.this was by far the worse experience ever ! I would never go back there for my nails. I rather go to tomatoe nails on forest and get my money worth ! #angrycustomer

  • karissa xu

    karissa xu


    They charged me a lot of money for acrylics and they didn’t even do it good. The nail shapes are uneven and different and there’s bumps on some of my nails

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    heathernoelle353 Dono353


    $50 gel pedicure. Lady was rough and rude. Will never go back

  • Kristina Dragotta

    Kristina Dragotta


    Clean, they haven't cut me. Nice pedicures. My acrylics dont break or fall off.

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    narcy waimin


    It was a waste of money to be honest, and time. I waited over 40 minutes, when I finally got someone she had a nasty attitude and then she did a terrible gel manicure. It is bumpy and just terrible. I paid $37 for something I could’ve gotten for $30 and great quality.

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