Tree of life church w Glen Cove

Stany ZjednoczoneTree of life church



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29, Glen Cove Avenue, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
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Latitude: 40.8624504, Longitude: -73.6330801

komentarze 5

  • Elda GDiaz

    Elda GDiaz


    At The tree of life church, we all gather together in the name of our Jesus Christ. Its is a Biblical church led by qualified Pastors, Elders, and Deacons. Titus 1: 5-9. We as Biblical church address one another with Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual songs. We as Biblical church maintain corporate holiness through church discipline, Matthew 18:17. Three of life church, really is a place of Spiritual protection. We are vitally connected through Christ. I am extremelly blessed to be part of this church. From the very first time I visited, The tree of life church I knew, that God had call me to the right church. Friendly, loving, and they all welcomed me with open arms. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to be a member of Tree of life church. Please feel free to visit us. God and all the members of Tree of life church welcomes you , in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • marcela osorio

    marcela osorio


    Lots of diversity and the Word preached here is consistently filled with so much knowledge and Spirit. Love this church so much.

  • Hyeeun Jeong

    Hyeeun Jeong


    This is an international church that welcomes people of all backgrounds, all nations, all faith levels. It truly focuses on the Word of God and gathers people to Christ. People are very friendly and warm. I have learned so much about the Word of God and been blessed through this church.

  • en

    Handoko Susanto


    The first time i've learned about the meaning of the name that appears in The Bible. Each name has a certain meaning that can explain what happened, what is the purpose, how we apply it to our life. Surprisingly Adam was still alive in Lamech's time (Noah's father)

  • Jinsoo Kim

    Jinsoo Kim


    All the secrets of bible has been resolved through this church. This is the church where Pastor John Lee(이은식 목사) teaches all the redemptive history of bible.

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