Treasure Island Storage w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneTreasure Island Storage



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183, Lorraine Street, 11231, Kings County, New York, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 718-509-6524
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6733404, Longitude: -74.0018264

komentarze 5

  • en

    Anonymous Anonymous


    Very professional, safe & clean outfit. THE BEST STORAGE COMPANY EVER! Top shelf in terms of service & staff. Do not hesitate!

  • en

    Jacob Stanley


    I highly recommend Treasure Island. I stored here for two months while in transition, and I had a great experience. Move-in, move-out, and transfers were painless. The staff is incredible. Everyone there is very helpful and nice. Plus, it's convenient to get there with the F-line and a citibike stations nearby.

  • Mc Raphael

    Mc Raphael


    AMAZING: This is a good as gets, I have never has such a fantastic experience!!!!! If you need storage Treasure Island storage should be your first stop and you will choose it. Fantastic staff, secure, great service and immaculate building. Thank You all for your amazing service.

  • en

    Maurine Gati


    It's an amazing place. Honestly I cannot think of another place I would rather store my stufff.They were patient and kind, and helped me out when I was in a jam. The place is clean and safe. If you're trying to decide on a storage place, pick this one.

  • en

    Henry Mathew


    Honestly this is the cleanest and most inexpensive storage facility that we found. We called every place in our area and the prices were high for a small unit that we needed. Here we were able to get the perfect size storage at a rate we could afford. I love the hours here as well it lets me have access after I get off work. Most places are closed by the time I get off. Also staff is very friendly and helpful they answer all our questions thoroughly.

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