Tre Amici At the Bunker w Tampa

Stany ZjednoczoneTre Amici At the Bunker



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1907, North 19th Street, 33605, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 813-247-6964
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 27.9613295, Longitude: -82.437789

komentarze 5

  • Sam Wolfe

    Sam Wolfe


    Waited forever for a breakfast sandwich and they messed up my order. I understand that it happens sometimes and it was no big deal. However, the worker was rude and on top of that told me it would be close to a half hour before they could remake it. I ended up taking the messed up order because I was a time constraint and to be honest, it was greasy and underwhelming. It sucks because I really wanted to like this place and they had good coffee, but I won’t be back.

  • Richard Ottum

    Richard Ottum


    the best Veterans open mic event is held here every first Sunday evening at 7pm. they have all sorts of coffee drinks too.

  • en

    Melanie Temaat


    While the staff was extremely helpful and nice, the lattes are very weak and flavorless. Apparently, they only use a single shot for a large iced latte which resulted in a really milky, weak latte. Plus, I ended up spending almost $7 on a single shot latte made with almond milk, so the prices are not that good either.

  • sarah



    This cafe is definitely my favorite! New baked goods everyday, all made from scratch, no corporate hand-me-downs. Absolutely love this place, events every week. Truly charming.

  • en

    Robert McCray


    I worked at this coffee shop one afternoon and I really enjoyed the atmosphere. The coffee and food are decent but nothing to write home about. The coffee shop wasn't very loud and neither was the surrounding area. In fact, the loudest noise at the coffee shop came from the ROOSTERS that sat outside of it. Yes, I said roosters. It was truly a unique coffee experience and I will definitely be going back in the near future.

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