Travcar Car Rental w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneTravcar Car Rental



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2367, India Street, 92101, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 619-231-9700
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.7292767, Longitude: -117.1702818

komentarze 5

  • Bethany Moore

    Bethany Moore


    The representative did not appropriately explain my contract and I incurred expenses I did not expect nor intentionally agree to.

  • en

    Brenda Feniello


    We had a great experience with Travcar Car Rental. Friendly knowledgable service staff. No hidden fees! We had a flight change and no problem keeping the car an additional day. I would recommend this company! Thanks Travcar

  • en

    Mgtrow Trow


    My wife and I were on our honeymoon and it was the first time we had ever rented a car. Half way through our honeymoon we received a ticket for the car not being registered. Our honeymoon was in June and the registration expired in March... As a car rental company they should always be on top of their vehicles being registered. We called them, and they told us to come back in and we can give them the ticket and they will pay for it. They informed us not to worry about being charged for the ticket. So we turned around from where we were going and drove 35 minutes back to the car rental shop to give them the ticket and get a temporary registration for the car. By this time the guy we talked to over the phone wasn't working anymore, he was done for the day and he didn't leave any notes like he said he would. So we had to re explain the whole situation to someone new. That employee said they would leave a note saying that they are comping us gas for our whole honeymoon. When we took the car back that note wasn't there either, and once again we were talking to someone new who we had to explain the whole situation to again. luckily we didn't have to pay for any of the gas. Once again they informed us not to worry about the ticket and that they will pay for it. A month has gone by and we received a letter in the mail stating that we were charged for the ticket, and a $50 service fee. We called Travcar, talked with someone new, had to explain the whole situation again because no one left any notes or had any kind of documentation about the ticket, and we were told that the citation company who sent us the letter isn't a company they do business with. They gave us the number to call and it was the exact same number as what was on the letter we received. They don't even know who they do business with. Not only that but we called every day for nearly 5 days and we talked to someone new every single time, had to re explain the situation and were told the manager would call us back. The manager never called us back and every time we asked for the manager he was always "gone". They were trying to charge us for a ticket that we received and had no control over. Finally we got a hold of the citation company and they waived the fee and will be refunding our money. It has been a complete joke. No one keeps track of anything, they don't know who they do business with, and they don't pay attention to the cars they rent out to people. Still the manager hasn't tried to reach out and contact to us, and as my wife and I see it, we should be getting a whole refund. So check your statements and see if they charged you for anything they shouldn't have and if you're planning on renting from them, check and see if your car is registered. Take pictures of the condition of the car yourself, take pictures of the license plates, and if the car isn't actually registered, they put the temporary registration on the passenger side of the windshield. If the car isn't registered and they don't have that temporary registration on the windshield, don't take the car. You will have an experience like this. Hope this helps.

  • Nancy-L-G Trepagnier

    Nancy-L-G Trepagnier


    This was the WORST company I have ever rented a car from. They added additional charges. Started at trying to add $250 for a service dog in the car. The seats were covered with a canopy/seat cover. Roller taken to all parts of the car. Then they lowered it to $150, then $75. No hair, car completely cleaned, no smell we used Lysol to make sure. We rent cars 3 weekends a month on our business travels. This was a REAL service medical alert dog. Not a fake SD dog. Owner refused to return our calls.

  • en

    Danielle Tanner


    Great experience! We got a car for $80 all fees included for 4 days. A short shuttle ride from the airport to ACE. They provide the shuttle for free and the wait was short. Excellent way to save money on a rental. The car we drove had less than 2000 miles on it. Will definitely use them again.

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