Trader Joe's w Stamford

Stany ZjednoczoneTrader Joe's



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1041, High Ridge Road, 06905, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-321-8440
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.106904, Longitude: -73.547371

komentarze 5

  • Paul Megie

    Paul Megie


    I drove by the store many times, I saw it and heard of it but never step a foot there. However, for my first time going in I found customer service great and pleasant. I will go again.

  • Ryan Florence

    Ryan Florence


    Always enjoy shopping at Trader Joe’s for their great selection and store atmosphere. Parking is a little crazy at this location but a minor issue with all things considered.

  • Deka K

    Deka K


    A little small but we'll organized and clean. Staff could be friendlier.

  • en

    Barbara L.


    Trader Joe's makes grocery shopping fun. They carry seasonal products and the packaging is fun and the foods are different for every season. They also have samples and coffee when you come in which makes it very nice as well. I have shopped at several different Trader Joe's and they have all been excellent.

  • Shmuel Yaakov Shifrin

    Shmuel Yaakov Shifrin


    Very nice experience over there. Cheep price for the flowers with a great selection! The produce section is very nice and with a great selection of great looking stuff. There isn't too many spots right in front of the store, but there is lots of spots up the parking lot. Very cute tiny shopping carts for kids to do the shopping. Clean bathrooms and overall clean store.

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