Trade Center Security Systems w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneTrade Center Security Systems



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45, New Street, 10004, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-962-1086
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7059801, Longitude: -74.0122412

komentarze 5

  • Sheila Fialho

    Sheila Fialho


    Excellent service. Got keys made in a jiffy . And they worked perfectly. People get huge quantities of keys made there and its super quick. No expensive either They have everything a hardware store would have . Amazing place and very good customer service.

  • en

    Abvgdh Abvgdh


    I recently needed a toilet fill valve on short notice. Normally, I would buy it at home depot for $7.50. However, I needed it right away so I searched google for a hardware store near my work. I tried the nearest three: 1. Trade Center Security Systems 45 New St: Small hardware store. very high prices. They want $27 for the fill valve. I once had keys cut here in the past and they did a good job. 2. Basics Plus Inc 85 John St: Not really a hardware store but a housewares store. They mostly have pots, pans and candles. They have a few glues and nails in the corner. They did not have the fill valve. Dick's Hardware Inc 9 Gold St: Relatively large store with two floors. They had the fill valve for $10. More than home depot but reasonable for manhattan. I bought it. There was sort of a long line as the person before me was having keys cut.

  • Sarah Whitney

    Sarah Whitney


    These gentlemen are the best. Extremely friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful in answering all my questions. I will be back!

  • en

    Nina Johnson


    These guys are amaze balls!!!! I had an issue with the locks in a new apartment. I had an appointment but they bumped me up to accommodate my schedule.

  • en

    Greg Montero


    I was locked out of my place recently, these guys came and opened the door for me in no time. Very cordial and professional. The amount they charged me for an emergency service was reasonable considering the Wall Street being such an expensive place for doing business. I have not been to their hardware store located behind New York Stock Exchange. I think that is going to be fine place to shop too.

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