Town Pub w Bloomfield

Stany ZjednoczoneTown Pub



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378, Broad Street, 07003, Bloomfield, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-743-9557
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.806427, Longitude: -74.1931

komentarze 5

  • en

    Gustavo Guerrero


    Great atmosphere. Food is great: pot stickers and their sampler are what we normally get. The calamari is also very good! Pub Punch is my favorite drink there. I highly recommend it, Barbara the bartender is also very friendly and makes awesome drinks!!!

  • Dennis Picciano Jr

    Dennis Picciano Jr


    Location is good .atmosphere is good. Drinks and food were even good, however the place smelled bad. Literally smells like old mop or the underneath of the ice trough, bar is dirty and not properly cleaned out. (See john tappers shows) was too unpleasant to go even return ever since

  • en

    Sam Rivera


    I ordered online with slice and grubhub 30 mins went by and I didn't receive an email that said it was in the kitchen like I was supposed to so I called town pub they didn't have my order so I placed it the girl was rude extra attitude but I placed it . Then I got an email from slice that it was in the kitchen meanwhile the driver was at my door . I ordered 2 burgers and a buffalo chicken melt they brought 2 burgers and plain tostitos so I called back told them what I wanted and 5 mins later they showed up w. Buffalo chicken dip . So I called back and they asked if I was just there because they had the same order from someone that was there, No I wasnt there I ordered online u didn't get it so I called 20 mins later they came with my buffalo chicken melt and to be honest I've had better then buffalo sauce was too salty and it was cold . DONT DO IT TO YOURSELF it's not worth it 44 dollars later

  • en

    Gaby Pacheco


    Called ahead of time to find out if they had a league pass and they said yes. Came here, sat down, we waited ten minutes to get a menu. Game time I ask for the game to be put on, they in fact do not have the league pass. Extremely disappointed with this whole experience. I recommend Obals over this place.

  • en

    David Suarez


    Every year we celebrate Superbowl here, they use to have non stop spread of wings and pizza, they have stopped that but still nice place

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