Town Center Barber en Stamford

Estados UnidosTown Center Barber



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100, Greyrock Place, 06901, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 203-964-0216
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0525534, Longitude: -73.5363715

comentarios 5

  • Tristan Kelley

    Tristan Kelley


    I've been getting my haircut here by Claude for over 15 years. Great haircut and even better man. Go to Claude, you will not be disappointed.

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    bs ipod


    Stay away! The manager or the person at the cashier not only has poor customer service, but it also a crook! According to the price list, the charge for kids is $17. When I told him my son is 11, he tells me that my son is considered an adult as the cut off age is 10. My son later tells me the website states the cut off age is 12. I had intended to politely point out the discrepancy, but the manager was very rude. He then tells me they has a price increase and the cut off age is 9. Clearly a dishonest man. It's a shame this business lost my business. After all the hair dresser did a great job cutting my son's hair. He rudely tried to give me my money back. I explained to him I don't want the money. I simply wanted to tell him he is dishonest, and I'm never coming back. If he is the owner, I wish he would stop being dishonest. If not, I hope he gets fired. Clearly not customer focused! If I can give a zero, I would. Too bad for the hairdresser - she deserves a 5.

  • Colin Knapp

    Colin Knapp


    Hey, if you guys aren't actually open until 6pm, you might want to update google, your website, your facebook page to say so. Wasted my time driving out here to get a cut only to get denied at the door. Was told that "we don't take clients after 10 after the hour before close", guess it was just too bad it was 5:05pm and see ya later. Never again.

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    Mike Meehan


    Popped in today. Had Billy, top class service from a top class guy.

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    Stacey Black


    I took my kids for a haircut here last night. Bobby has cut my boys hair before and he was pretty great with them. My youngest had Jessica and she was the absolute WORST!!! Terrible attitude, terrible stylist and she was blatantly rude from the moment we walked in the shop and sat in her chair. She was tugging roughly at his hair with her comb which started him off crying. He had a knot so instead of gently combing the knot out she was pulling his hair. I took the comb from her and quickly got the knot out. I know hearing a child scream throughout a haircut isn’t the best noise in the world but if you’re a barber/hair dresser you should know that sometimes you have to be an adult and try to ease the child’s fear instead of being a complete $!$@ about it. It wasn’t fun for me either. She told me they don’t cut children’s hair in a snotty voice so I’m wondering why they have booster seats and lollipops? Not my first choice of place to go but we had to work with where we were. Finally, she literally threw her scissors down and walked out of there like a little baby cursing as she left. We were still sitting in the chair. My two year old crying was more of an adult in that moment. Another barber finished the crappy job Jessica somewhat started (cutting blindly) at his hair. In the end I was shocked that we had to pay for this crappy haircut. The owner was there the whole time and said nothing to her about her attitude. He did apologize but that won’t be enough for us to go back. My husband WAS a regular there with Pete but not anymore. Worst experience!!!

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