Town Auto Body w Montclair

Stany ZjednoczoneTown Auto Body



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107, Grove Street, 07042, Montclair, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-744-0808
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8144936, Longitude: -74.2082337

komentarze 5

  • Susanna Cruz

    Susanna Cruz


    Great experience! After getting a few local estimates, they gave me a very reasonable estimate. They explained the work and possible obstacles ahead of time. None came up but it was good to know that they were honest up front. If I ever need more work, I would definitely go there.

  • en

    Renee Gardner


    I was the victim of a hit and run...luckily for me I had a witness who got the plate number...I brought my car here for the body one else was in the entire passenger side was hit...I'm a very difficult person to please..I admit it...they did a perfect job...(no..I'm not honestly can't believe how they matched the paint to the rest of the car...but, they did!!! I highly recommend them..they get 5 stars from me...

  • en

    Joseph Torlucci


    Friendly, expert professional service.

  • en

    Brian Clarkson


    We have used Town auto body a number of times and are always amazed with both the service and workmanship. This is not your typical body shop. They treat you with respect and courtesy. And they always deliver the car in excellent shape on the day promised or earlier. On this occasion they quoted us a price and called later in the day at told us that one piece they were going to replace was fine and their price would be over $300 LOWER than they had originally quoted. We never would have known about it if they had not told us. These are honest people who do excellent work and treat you right.

  • en

    Tom Kuc


    This shop was an absolute pleasure to deal with from the beginning to end. Went in and there was no hassle getting an estimate. Walked into the shop and they did not have an attitude like some other shops I tried to get estimates from. After getting the estimate I called back a couple of days later to schedule the job, they fit me in to get job done when I was on a business trip. Came home from business trip went first thing in the morning to pick up the car and it looked absolutely brand new I could not tell there was ever a dent and the paint matched perfectly. They also stuck to the estimate and the estimate came in $1200 under another shop for the same job. These people are professional, trustworthy, and delivered what they said. If I ever need any other body work this is the shop I will return too. Thank you for a job well done dealing with Town Auto was an absolute pleasure.

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