Top Hat Exterminating Corporation en New York

Estados UnidosTop Hat Exterminating Corporation



🕗 horarios

265, Nelson Avenue, 10308, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-967-0261
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5430697, Longitude: -74.1467043

comentarios 5

  • Richard Eng

    Richard Eng


    Worst experience ever. Didn't even inspect. He came in and did a rush job. Less than 5 minutes and wanted to leave. If you don't hound them to spray this area or that area, they won't even do it. Still have pests in the house too. Useless service.

  • John Forma

    John Forma


    Reliable and honest. Great pricing!

  • Emma Bell

    Emma Bell


    I had mice problems last summer and Top Hat Exterminating came out to take care of it. They took care of the mice and gave me advice on how to secure my home against various pests. Now I am free of mice. Moreover, thanks to their shared knowledge, my home is free from pests. It was a quick work and I have learned a lot from them.

  • en

    D Lucente


    Top Hat was able to field my call and send someone out right away. Their staff answered all my questions both on the phone and on site. I am having a rodent issue and the technician on site was knowledgeable and honest with me every step of the way. He went into great detail how I, as the homeowner should treat my problem and gave advice on how to keep the issue at bay. They paid very close attention to the safety of my children, my home and my domestic pets and created a solution best fit for my families needs. Eddie...Thank you for being so informative and professional.

  • Kent Wilhelm

    Kent Wilhelm


    While I was lucky enough to only need a consultation visit, I was extremely pleased with the service. I was visited by John, one of the owners of the business. He was extremely thorough and detailed in his examination, all while being extremely genial and friendly. He answered all of my questions and explained to me his process. He gave me some tips on how to best treat the situation on my own and never approached any kind of unnecessary up-sell. While I hope you never have the misfortune of needing an exterminator, they exceeded all my expectations of what the service should be.

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