Tony's Pizza w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneTony's Pizza



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1107, Rutland Road, 11212, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-953-8163
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.66492, Longitude: -73.923381

komentarze 5

  • Brittany Sosa

    Brittany Sosa


    Pizza is decent and delivery always comes when they say it will BUT to actually get someone on the phone is mission impossible. They have 2 numbers and both lines are always busy at any point in the week. I’ve been ordering pizza from here for years and it takes at least 40+ consecutive calls of getting the busy tone to get through. They are also sometimes rude.

  • en

    Tony Lucas


    Not a Community supporter of the kids after getting rich of the community.. The pizza is good but I will never buy there to save my life again

  • Damaris



    I called yesterday and the employee on the phone taking my order was very unprofessional. He was busy taking a customer while trying to write down my order. Putting me on hold for a small order of two pies, i could hear him counting off change to give someone. By then he hasn’t even said “hold on a moment” yet. I then asked a simple question, he proceeded to answer with “ you never ordered from Tony’s before? You don’t know how this works?” Obviously if I knew the answer to my own question I wouldn’t have asked. I then hang up the phone and ordered elsewhere. Attitude was just disgusting. Oh yeah and why is it $30 for two small pies? PLEASE

  • en

    Vikki Jackson-Eubanks


    Very poor customer service. I ordered 60$ worth of food and half my order is delivered. I call and hear oh the delivery guy left it, “what do you want me to do?.” This is from owner. I don’t want cold pie and warm chicken. Have the decency to apologize, offer a discount, do something. Instead he acts like I’m a problem. Blaming the delivery person you hired and saying, “these guys smoke weed and forget,” is not my problem as a customer you hired him. It’s also disrespectful I don’t know what he meant about these guys...very suspect. In any case not the customers issue that’s a business decision you make and not my personal concern, my concern is getting my food delivered hot and all at once. It’s not the first time this has happened but will be the last. I order from them at least twice a month. Kids like pizza. This will be the last time. Believe, they do not know what good customer service is, they care nothing for customers and they are nasty. The food is ok mainly ordered for the kids because it’s nearby. They don’t know we can order seamless and other sites now. They are not the only option. I will be ordering pizza and party trays of wings elsewhere. He thinks he has a monopoly on pizza but it’s soggy and greasy on the bottom when delivered. They won’t get my money.

  • en

    Ayesha Brinson


    I'm giving them a 5 star rating ONLY BECAUSE ITALIAN TONY, WHICH IS THE OWNER is a delight to be around. He makes you want to be there. He brings Great energy to his establishment. I only go when he's there. - NOW, let's talk about those FAKE PHOTOS and that FAKE BUS STOP. That pizza shop looks NOTHING like those pictures. He does NOT have pizza like that lined up AND the counter is shared with Cooked Food - Oxtails, Cabbage, Jerk Chicken, Fish, Plantains, and Sour Tasting Rice.

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