Tony's Jamaican Food w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneTony's Jamaican Food



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1200, East 11th Street, 78702, Austin, Travis County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 512-945-5090
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.2689459, Longitude: -97.7275398

komentarze 5

  • Amy Dyes

    Amy Dyes


    FLAVOR! Juicy, fall off the bone, meat! Jerk chicken and curry goat are my favorite. Must go and meet Tony, real nice guy!

  • Rubi Noriega

    Rubi Noriega


    Great Service. The have traditional drinks.The Jerk pork is on point, nice n spicy. This is the spot if your looking for Jamaican food. Plantains were sweet.

  • Danielle Jones

    Danielle Jones


    I love food from all over the globe and Jamaican food is definitely top of my list so I had to try this place and WOW was it good! I had the oxtail and jerk chicken combo with a side of fried plantains. Man oh man!!! The service was awesome...the guy at the window helped me out with choosing a plate and even helped pick a drink. I will definitely be're stuck with me now. Thanks Tony!!!

  • LaTanya



    Fantastic brisket. Yummy Jerk Chicken. I’d travel 20 miles weekly to get this phenomenally flavored food for me and a guy I used to date. I craved it big time! Like always. The server/bartender with the locs was a delightful joy all of the time. Try the rum punch too.

  • Devin Compton

    Devin Compton


    I’ve come to this place now 4 times and the first three they were closed. My girlfriend and I decided to stop by today and might I say that persistence definitely pays off. She got the oxtails and stopped talking to me as she delicately engulfed the meat lol and I decided to try something different and got the curried shrimp. The oxtails are delicious. Let’s start there. But my girlfriend thought they were a little salty. The shrimp was also yummy especially the curry sauce on top of the rice but the shrimp were not fresh raw shrimp. You could tell that they had been frozen and tasted a little chewy, I still at them as The flavors were still all there and I will definitely be back. I also got my personal favorite, the Jamaican Beef Patty, and it was just as good as you can imagine. Great flavor. Not super spicy, light crunch of the pastry dough, and the filling was spot on. Loved meeting the staff and interacting with them. Very cool gents that make some bomb ass Jamaican food. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

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