Tony Roma's w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczoneTony Roma's


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849, East Commerce Street, 78205, San Antonio, Bexar County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 210-225-7662
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 29.4238244, Longitude: -98.4852281

komentarze 5

  • en

    Glen Peterson


    Just wanted to say that they are currently closed. Kitchen fire. They may open again, but not now. In general I LIKE Tony Roma's, so I wish then success soon.

  • en

    Pat McAlpin


    This was not my first visit to Tony Roma's in San Antonio but it was the worst experience I have had. We were almost carried away by flies. They were all over our table. We could not enjoy our meal for fighting the flies away. One flew into one of our baked potatoes so it was inedible. I have never been so disappointed. We came from Dallas because we don't have Tony Roma's here anymore. I had been looking forward to our visit there and then could not finish my meal for the flies. We mentioned it to our waiter and he did not respond at all. Thank you for your time.

  • en

    Misterteee Supastar


    My first time at a Tony Roma's restaurant and it will be my last. Was at this location last night during my visit for work in San Antonio. I was in a large party and apparently they did not have the wait staff to accommodate us being that the restaurant was was not very full and it was an empty table that could seat us. Finally we were seated. The waitress was nice and friendly and offered great service. I ordered the Filet Medallions medium rare and they came back well done. After waiting so long for my food and being hungry, I tried to eat this rubbery mess and it was awful. I informed the waitress after the meal and she just said that the cook never listens and they are not allowed to switch orders as my co-worker wanted her medallions well done and they came out medium rare. At any rate, I was able to use my expense account so I was really not out of pocket, but Tony Roma's will never have to worry about serving me as a customer. Such a disappointment and I feel bad that I chose this restaurant to come too for my co-workers. I wish I would have known better, should have read some of these reviews first.

  • en

    Michael Goodrum


    I have been to Tony Roma's twice in the past year when we were on vacation in San Antonio. Both visits were great and everything was as expected. We tend to eat dinner on the early side, around 5 ish. During both visits it was not crowded which meant we didn't have to wait which was nice. The staff was great both times. Our waiters were friendly both visits and very tentative. They checked on us periodically to make sure everything was to our liking and bring us refills on our drinks. You have the option to dine outside while h is nice. You are seated where the River Walk ends at the malls edge. It is covered as well. My last visit I had the New York strip with a side salad and baked potato. Everything was delicious! We also had the onion stack as an appetizer I would highly recommend dining here at some point! These two visits were the only times I have ate at a Tony Roma's and I will be going back again I'm sure.

  • Edmarie Alvarez

    Edmarie Alvarez


    Went today to celebrate Mother's Day and the food and local draft beers were wonderful. Nice and helpful staff, and though a bit slow towards the end, our server was still great. I've got to say, the macaroni side was unimpressive. But besides that, I would recommend it.

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