Tomatillo w Dobbs Ferry

Stany ZjednoczoneTomatillo



🕗 godziny otwarcia

13, Cedar Street, 10522, Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-478-2300
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.015122, Longitude: -73.871115

komentarze 5

  • Javier Castellon

    Javier Castellon


    Food is eh... the prices are very high for what the food is and for the amount of food you get. The server was rude and seemed to be annoyed that we were there. Will not be going back.

  • Albert Danza

    Albert Danza


    This place is great. Always good service and the food is always delicious.

  • Mike Kremen

    Mike Kremen


    Had a Oaxaca burrito and a steak 🌮 taco (along with a veggie quesadilla for later), with a frozen mango drink and a microbrew. Everything was tasty and it is clear that although they do well with meat, they also really can cater to vegetarians based on their menu. Will be coming back often!

  • Greg Stephens

    Greg Stephens


    I love this place. Don't think 'Mexican food;' instead, imagine telling a fancy chef to source ingredients locally, make cool taste combinations, and package the meals as burritos. Bam! Everything is tasty, portions are large, and there's also craft beer on tap. Parking is, especially evenings and weekends so plan on taking the first one you see and walking in.

  • en

    Maurice Montgomery


    Great service. Great food. Its easy to find parking in the area. Its also family friendly. They have vegetarian and vegan options on the menu. The family and i go about every months.

najbliższy Bar

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