TJ's Tire & Auto Service en River Edge

Estados UnidosTJ's Tire & Auto Service



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536, Kinderkamack Road, 07661, River Edge, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-483-7931
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.926175, Longitude: -74.034228

comentarios 5

  • Robert Feifer

    Robert Feifer


    TJ's Tire & Auto Center is 10 Stars! The services TJ's Auto Center provides is top of the line. Customer Service is 10 Stars alone. They have done amazing work on my 2017 Ford F150. If you have a car or truck that needs reliable service, then this is the only place to come.

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    Mark Smajlaj


    Jose, owner, is a good guy and they have good service, cheap gas too.

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    Newton Jacobs


    We have been with this repair shop since we moved to this region. Honest and reasonable.

  • Reenie Farr

    Reenie Farr


    Jose runs this family run business. He is honest. He has always taken good care of me and my Jeep. He is a very special man. God bless Jose and his team.

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    Alvaro Jimenez


    I've been going to TJ's for a few years and have always been more then satisfied with their work. He is knowledgeable, fair and quick turn around. He takes the time to explain the issue and what it will take to fix it. Even if something doesn't feel right, Jose will always double check his work and make sure you are happy. It's extremely difficult to find trusting mechanics that will not guide you the wrong way or charge you for unnecessary work. I will always recommend Jose and his staff.

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