T.J. Maxx en Las Vegas

Estados UnidosT.J. Maxx



🕗 horarios

4000, Maryland Pkw, 89119, Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
contactos teléfono: +1 702-733-7730
sitio web: www.tjmaxx.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.1170373, Longitude: -115.1363121

comentarios 5

  • en

    Bogdan Donu


    Great place. Jessie was extremely helpful. If you have any questions, go to her! She goes the extra mile!

  • Peter Walker

    Peter Walker


    Great place to shop for cool and name brand fashions.

  • Carolyn Deans

    Carolyn Deans


    A nice size TJ Maxx, was here for a few specific items (swim suit cover up and flip flops) and found them quickly. Employees were courteous and efficient.

  • Brandan Oinonen

    Brandan Oinonen


    Terrible experience with online service. This is not specific to the Las Vegas location. I ordered 2 of the exact same end tables for my spare bedroom. I ordered them both at the same time and in the same order... As I checked the tracking updates, I noticed that one was on track and the other was still sitting there as if it were in the warehouse still, but on the TJ Maxx site under "track my order" it said it was shipped on the same day as the other one. With this, I assumed they were just both sent together and only using 1 tracking number to identify them together. Sure enough, on the delivery date I get only 1 of them... poorly packaged by the way because one of the corners was exposed through the box.This is furniture...a little more care would be nice. I email the support email that night, which was after hours so I didn't expect them to get back to me right away, but the whole next day goes by and I hear nothing back so I called this morning and they see the same issue I do and the only help they offer is "We are going to file an investigation to see if your item was lost in transfer and the process will be 8-10 business days." REALLY... I have company coming and staying in that room tonight, the whole point of ordering these when I did. They tell me that if they find that my order was lost, I will be reimbursed... Yeah, no kidding, but is there any makeup compensation or anything for the error? I really needed these on-time. "Ummm let me see, yes sir, there will be a refund if in-fact we do not find your package." Thank you for the useless reiteration. I don't understand how this even happens. One would assume that 2 of the same end tables would probably be sitting right next to each other in the same part of the warehouse. How does an order get placed for 2, recognized as 2 and then shipped out as 1 and the other vanish into mid-air and nobody knows what happened? The UPS tracking system clearly states that a label was created and once it made it to UPS, they would supply the updates and that never happened, so it's definitely an error on T.J. Maxx. Thanks for nothing.

  • Colin Cowan

    Colin Cowan


    Large, tidy store with plenty of bargains to be had. Ample parking out front.

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